java - HTML in iCal using iCal4j -

is there possibility add html description vevent.

i generate vcalendar vevent description. use ical4j sent email ics

this try do:

begin:vcalendar prodid:-//----//calendar 1.0//es version:2.0 method:request calscale:gregorian begin:vevent dtstamp:20101202t145512z uid:20101202t145513z-project@mypc description:altrep="cid:content-id-here":blabla location:room 2 summary:confirmation dtstart:20110115t180000 dtend:20110115t184500 attendee; organizer; end:vevent end:vcalendar  content-type:text/html content-id:content-id-here     <html>      <head>       <title></title>      </head>      <body>        <p>          <b>example</b>        </p>      </body>    </html> 

now show html code.

the above calendar put in multipart

message.addheaderline("method=request"); message.addheaderline("charset=utf-8"); message.addheaderline("component=vevent"); message.setfrom(new internetaddress(fromaddress)); message.addrecipient(, new internetaddress(app.getpanelist().getemail())); message.setsubject(subject); multipart mp = new mimemultipart(); mimebodypart icalattachment = new mimebodypart(); icalattachment.setdatahandler(new datahandler(new bytearraydatasource(new bytearrayinputstream(invite), "text/calendar;method=request;charset=\"utf-8\""))); mp.addbodypart(icalattachment); message.setcontent(mp); 

do miss part or impossible?

edit - try ical4j (using altrep)

parameterlist params = new parameterlist();      uri uri = new uri("cid:content-id-here"); params.add(new altrep(uri)); vevent.getproperties().add(new description(params,_content)); 

but code above i'am stuck. idea use html in combination icall4j

i found solution in blogspot:

using multipart on correct manner solved problem


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