android - Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data -

i using custom cursoradapter data sqlite database , show in listview. database contains 2 columns 8.000 rows. looking way query , show data fast possible. have done asynctask here code:

private class prepareadapter extends asynctask<void,void,customcursoradapter > {   @override  protected void onpreexecute() {      dialog.setmessage("wait");      dialog.setindeterminate(true);      dialog.setcancelable(false);;        log.e("tag","posle nov madapter");  }   @override  protected customcursoradapter doinbackground(void... unused) {     cursor cursor =  mydbnameshelper.getcursorquerywithallthedata();    madapter.changecursor(cursor);    startmanagingcursor(cursor);    log.e("time","posle start managing cursor" + string.valueof(systemclock.elapsedrealtime()-testtime)+ " ms");      testtime=systemclock.elapsedrealtime();       madapter.initindexer(cursor);      return madapter;  }   protected void onpostexecute(customcursoradapter result) {       tabfirstview.this.getlistview().setadapter(result);      log.e("time","posle adapterset" + string.valueof(systemclock.elapsedrealtime()-testtime)+ " ms");     testtime=systemclock.elapsedrealtime();      dialog.dismiss();  } 


this works except part when need set result adapter. have done time tests , takes aprox 700 ms make past startmanagingcursor. problem takes 7 seconds make past setadapter(result) , running in ui thread makes app unresponsive (the progress dialog freezes , app). how make time less? can make run in background or way increase responsiveness?


public class customcursoradapter extends simplecursoradapter implements onclicklistener,sectionindexer,filterable,                                     android.widget.adapterview.onitemclicklistener{      private context context;     private int layout;     private alphabetindexer alphaindexer;      public customcursoradapter (context context, int layout, cursor c, string[] from, int[] to) {         super(context, layout, c, from, to);         this.context = context;         this.layout = layout;      }     public void initindexer(cursor c){          alphaindexer=new alphabetindexer(c, c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_name), " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");     }      @override     public view newview(context context, cursor cursor, viewgroup parent) {          cursor c = getcursor();          final layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(context);         view v = inflater.inflate(layout, parent, false);          int namecol = c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_name);          string name = c.getstring(namecol);          /**          * next set name of entry.          */         textview name_text = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;         if (name_text != null) {             name_text.settext(name);         }          int favcol = c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_favourited);         int fav = c.getint(favcol);          int idcol = c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_id);          button button = (button) v.findviewbyid(;         button.setonclicklistener(this);         button.settag(c.getint(idcol));         if(fav==1){             button.setvisibility(view.invisible);         }         else button.setvisibility(view.visible);          return v;     }      @override     public void bindview(view v, context context, cursor c) {          int namecol = c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_name);          string name = c.getstring(namecol);          /**          * next set name of entry.          */         textview name_text = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;         if (name_text != null) {             name_text.settext(name);         }         int favcol = c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_favourited);         int fav = c.getint(favcol);          button button = (button) v.findviewbyid(;         button.setonclicklistener(this);         int idcol = c.getcolumnindex(databasenameshelper.column_id);         button.settag(c.getint(idcol));       //  log.e("fav",string.valueof(fav));         if(fav==1){             button.setvisibility(view.invisible);         } else button.setvisibility(view.visible);     }        @override     public int getpositionforsection(int section) {         return alphaindexer.getpositionforsection(section);     }      @override     public int getsectionforposition(int position) {           return alphaindexer.getsectionforposition(position);     }      @override     public object[] getsections() {           return alphaindexer.getsections();     }     @override     public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> arg0, view arg1, int arg2, long arg3) {         log.e("item click", arg1.tostring()+ " position> " +arg2);     }      @override     public void onclick(view v) {             if(v.getid(){                 //log.e("button click", v.tostring()+ " position> " +v.gettag().tostring());                 v.setvisibility(view.invisible);                 databasenameshelper dbnames = new databasenameshelper(context);                 dbnames.setfavouritesflag(v.gettag().tostring());             }          }    } 

the reason slow time in loading adapter internal call cursoradapter makes cursor.getcount().

cursors in android lazily loaded. results not loaded until needed. when cursoradapter calls getcount() forces query executed , results counted.

below couple links discussing issue.

my suggestion split query. load number of visible list items on screen. user scrolls load next set. gmail , market applications. unfortunately don't have example handy :(

this doesn't answer question provides insight :)


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