documentation generation - How to integrate Sphinx-generated Latex code in existing Latex documents? -

i've used sphinx document python library. far works great, nice html , latex output. concerning latex, sphinx generates complete standalone document lots of special packages , configurations.

but, integrate generated latex files within existing latex project (more precise: in appendix of book). in particular want sphinx-generated documentation pages have header, footer , section heading styles of parent document. guess somehow transfer relevant parts manually removing unneeded stuff , adjusting various options in tex files generated sphinx. however, going tedious fiddling taking of time (thinking of conflicting packages , options have detect , fix).

does sphinx' latex-builder support such use case? if not, there more general approach how merge independent latex-documents?

thanks hints!

it seems there no valid answer question. i've asked question on sphinx mailing list , received answer says 1 has manually extract , partly convert relevant parts of latex code generated sphinx - less expensive solution not yet exist.


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