c# - Array of fixed-length BitArrays -

i'm in trouble bitarray.

the goal simulate stack of 8 80bit bitarrays, numbered 0 7.

i need able access them index, , think simple array enough me.

when initialising bitarray object, need specify number of bits contain, gives me

bitarray test = new bitarray(80); 

how can array of it, knowing need specify length value?

i've tried several things,

bitarray[] stack = new bitarray(80)[]; 

but error when trying give length...

any thoughts?

thanks in advance

unfortunately, framework doesn't appear have "canonical" array-initialization pattern, far know.

one way, using linq, be:

var stack = enumerable.range(0, 8)                       .select(i => new bitarray(80))                       .toarray(); 


var stack = enumerable.repeat<func<bitarray>>( () => new bitarray(80), 8)                       .select(f => f())                       .toarray(); 


bitarray[] stack = new bitarray[8];  for(int = 0; < stack.length; i++)    stack[i] = new bitarray(80); 


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