linux - what is ethloader, and how can I download the source -

i'm having problem on finding program called ethloader. tell me how download it? and, can download source.

when tried run application without parameter, following usage shown:


./ethloader "<"hostname/">" "<"mac address">"

-f=<name>     upload file flash memory -k=<kernel>   upload kernel image flash memory -r=<ramdisk>  upload ramdisk image flash memory  [-b=<block>]  indicate starting flash memory block [-m=<size>]   indicate maximum file size in hex number [-s=<size>]   indicate maximum flash memory size in hex number 


thanks lot guys

 usage of ethloader:  ethloader <ip> <mac> -f=<filename> -b=<offset>   <ip>:if ip ,you should set ip 192.168.2.x (x =1~254)   <mac>: 86:95:0a:12:34:bc   <filename>:the file name of flashimage    <offset>:if flashimage 4 mb,the offset should set 0.   example:ethloader 86:95:0a:12:34:bc -f=flashimage -b=0 



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