c++ - Custom and Default Message Handler in Qt -

i want use default qt message handler while logging messages log file except qdebug. here solution, have suggestion or possible problems implementation?


#ifndef qlogger_h #define qlogger_h  #include <qtcore/qobject> #include <qtcore/qfile> #include <qtcore/qdatetime>  class qlogger : public qobject { q_object  public:     qlogger();    ~qlogger();      static void start();     static void finish();     static qstring filename;  private:     static void myloggerfunction(qtmsgtype type, const char *msg);  };  #endif // qlogger_h 


#include <qtextstream> #include <qdatetime> #include <qdir> #include <iostream>  #include "qlogger.h"  using namespace std;  qstring qlogger::filename=qstring("log.txt");  qlogger::qlogger() { }  qlogger::~qlogger() { }  void qlogger::start() {     qinstallmsghandler(myloggerfunction); }  void qlogger::finish() {     qinstallmsghandler(0); }  void qlogger::myloggerfunction(qtmsgtype type, const char *msg) {     qdir dir;     dir.cd("log");      qfile logfile(filename);      if (logfile.open(qiodevice::append | qiodevice::text))     {         qtextstream streamer(&logfile);          switch (type){                  case qtdebugmsg:                      finish();                      qdebug(msg);                      break;                  case qtwarningmsg:                      streamer << qdatetime::currentdatetime().tostring() <<" warning: " << msg <<  "\n";                      finish();                      qwarning(msg);                      break;                  case qtcriticalmsg:                      streamer << qdatetime::currentdatetime().tostring() <<" critical: " << msg <<  "\n";                      finish();                      qcritical(msg);                      break;                  case qtfatalmsg:                      streamer << qdatetime::currentdatetime().tostring() <<" fatal: " << msg <<  "\n";                      finish();                      qfatal(msg);                      break;         }         logfile.close();     }     start(); } 

afaik not going work, implementing message handler function member function object signature of function qinstallmessagehandler takes void mymsghandler(qtmsgtype, const char *);

you can either implement function plain freestanding function or use singleton static accessor e.g.

void msghandler(qtmsgtype type, const char * msg) {    logger::instance()->handlemessage(type,msg); }  class logger {   static logger* instance() {... }   void handlemessage(qtmsgtype type, const char* msg) { ... } } 

this gives function use qinstallmsghandler , object wrap logging


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