C# generic graph search framework -

i have coded various graph search (a*, dfs, bfs, etc..) algorithms many times over. every time, real difference actual search states searching over, , how new states generated existing ones.

i faced yet search-heavy project, , avoid having code , debug general search algorithm again. nice if define search state class, including information generating successive states, heuristic cost, etc, , plug in kind of existing search framework can of heavy lifting me. know algorithms aren't particularly difficult code, there enough tricks involved make annoying.

does exist? couldn't find anything.

perhaps quickgraph of interest.

quickgraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures , algorithms .net 2.0 , up. quickgraph comes algorithms such depth first seach, breath first search, a* search, shortest path, k-shortest path, maximum flow, minimum spanning tree, least common ancestors, etc


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