Where to find BitTorrent source code? -

i have looked , looked , cannot seem find source code anywhere. every link find points official bittorrent page, slashdot says took source code down in 2007. believe incredibly widespread, open-source technology not found anywhere except in applications utorrent or transmission?
there has place download current source code bittorrent.
can point me magical place?

fyi archived version of original bittorrent application (also known mainline, particularly developing other bt clients) available here, 3.9.1.


for example, can confirm bittorrent-3.9.1-1.noarch.rpm contains python source. rpm format can opened using common archive utilities. on osx, used keka unarchive cpio, keka again unarchive file structure (i can see python scripts common bt tasks under usr/bin/ , various code under usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/bittorrent )

when switched utorrent codebase, code became closed. mentioned others, there many open source alternatives bittorrent client offered bittorrent.com.

edit may 3, 2013: bittorrent appear no longer share archive. can still download source via cvs, last updated in 2005. http://sourceforge.net/p/bittorrent/code/?source=navbar


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