objective c - After upgrading to xcode 3.2.5 can't connect to the network -

i use c++ library in application connects network (i suppose uses sockets). i've been using months , using xcode 3.2.4. now, had great idea of upgrading xcode 3.2.5, , found out application crashing error:

if encountering problem running simulator binary within gdb, make sure 'set start-with-shell off' first. 3.2.5

ok, couldn't solve it, went 3.2.4, suggested somewhere. application not crashing anymore, library can't connect anymore network. tried rebuild (i didn't write library have sources) , use new library, nothing. still library can't connect network. tried every simulator.

any idea there wrong , how may able solve this? can somehow delete manually related xcode , simulator , try start on again?


i had similar problem version of libcurl built earlier os. solution rebuild library under ios 4.2 eliminate $unix2003 symbol decorations. (i wrote full details @ http://www.creativealgorithms.com/blog/content/building-libcurl-ios-42.)


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