Set up Cherokee + Web2py on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid -

anyone have script or set of instructions setting fresh install of web2py on cherokee on ubuntu 10.04 lucid (in cloud)? lucid or cherokee repositories ok. sqlite fine mysql or postgres great.

update: much more concise, direct instructions latest cherokee ?from question author?

i set ubuntu 10.04 + cherokee 0.99.39 + web2py 1.91.4. it's set on vps, suppose setting on amazon ec not different (compared setting on vps, web2py-specific steps identical). also, wanted use uwsgi, fastcgi option. latest version of web2py (1.90.1+) has built-in support mysql.

steps in brief:

  1. provision vps ubuntu 10.04
  2. ensure "universe" repositories enabled.
  3. follow these steps run this script installs web2py , related dependencies.
  4. the script above installed apache2 webserver. uninstall/disable apache2.
  5. install cherokee web server. used sudo apt-get install cherokee
  6. install uwsgi.
  7. configure uwsgi web2py.
  8. configure cherokee virtual server use uwsgi+web2py platform. (jump step iii)

optional: pretty cherokee admin graphs don't work without additional steps (install rddtools , libcherokee-mod-rrd; wait 5-10 minutes)


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