Replicating Spinrite Animation Effect in C -

i replicate spinner effect spinrite displays in upper-right corner of screen indicate it's still running , hasn't frozen. can see example of here @ 2:18 -

we debate efficacy of spinrite until cows come home there's no denying has decent ui considering runs on.

i'll replicating effect in c on arm platform i'm looking general advice rather code, such how increment steps of animation.

thanks in advance.

that's old tech there, looks gibson has updated ui little. remember spinner being /\|- characters... digress. :)

that in text mode , done hooking timer interrupt in dos , drawing every other tick of timer.

a standard dos timer ticked every 55 milliseconds.

you can draw directly screen in dos on x86 writing pointer 0xa0000 using goofy extended dos character set.

(note old memory, it's been 15+ years since i've done of stuff :) in other words, draw letter 'a' @ first row/column of screen, you'd following.

     char *screen = 0xa0000;     *screen = 'a'; 

to little bit more advanced, (no error or bounds checking.)

 #define columns 80 #define rows    25 #define vidmem_base 0xa0000  // row , column 1 based // note in real implementation make sure row/column within screen bounds // , if on last row, might scroll screen etc. void writescreen( char thechar, size_t row, size_t column ) {     char *screenbase = vidmem_base;      screenbase += ((row - 1) * columns) + column - 1;     *screenbase = thechar; } 

with above in mind, you'll have figure out how stuff works on arm system , replicate it. looking @ port of ncurses or borlands conio system arm give head start. know there port of borland's turbo vision library linux i'm not sure ever ported arm. here's link sourceforge page if you're interested. turbo vision nice text mode gui in day, it's worth.

hope helps.


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