C# + Visio 2007 integration -

i using visio 2007 in order draw organization chart.
working fine, have problem on how access , set properties of shape object in below namespace


any appreciated.

it may not others too.. :)

imports microsoft.office.interop.visio public class visiomain

dim currentstencil document dim currentpage page  private sub visiomain_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load     currentpage = dc.document.pages(1)     setlandscape(currentpage)      currentstencil = dc.document.application.documents.openex("rack-mounted equipment (us units).vss", visopensaveargs.visopendocked)      dim stencilwindow window     stencilwindow = currentpage.document.openstencilwindow     stencilwindow.activate() end sub  private sub button5_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles button5.click      ''code individual property of shape...........!     each objshape microsoft.office.interop.visio.shape in currentpage.shapes         textbox1.text = objshape.cells("prop.height").resultstr("text")     next      ''.............!  end sub 

end class


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