- Intercepting *.aspx -

i'm trying intercept every aspx requests. interception works, page stay blank. missing ?

namespace website {     public class class1 : ihttphandler     {         public bool isreusable         {             { return true; }         }          public void processrequest(httpcontext context)         {          }     } }  <system.webserver>     <handlers>       <add name="samplehandler" verb="*"         path="*.aspx"         type="website.class1, website"         resourcetype="unspecified" />     </handlers>   </system.webserver> 

you're intercepting page request, you're not doing it. if expect see sort of output, have perform kind of manipulation httpcontext being passed in. below couple of articles might decent reading when dealing httpcontext. in nutshell, if expect see response, have generate it.
what difference between httpcontext.current.response , page.response?


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