Python, XPath: Find all links to images -

i'm using lxml in python parse html , want extract link images. way right is:

//a[contains(@href,'.jpg') or contains(@href,'.jpeg') or ... (etc)] 

there couple of problem approach:

  • you have list possible image extensions in cases (both "jpg" , "jpg"), wich not elegant
  • in weird situations, href may contain .jpg somewhere in middle, not @ end of string

i wanted use regexp, failed:


this returned me links time ...

does knows right, elegant way or wrong regexp approach ?

instead of:



a[substring(@href, string-length(@href)-3)='.jpg'] 

(and same expression pattern other possible endings).

the above expression xpath 1.0 equivalent following xpath 2.0 expression:

a[ends-with(@href, '.jpg')] 


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