c# - Debugging is giving result but not getting populated -

i have function in 1 class

public static dataset getalluppercasedtables() {   //an instance of connection string created manage contents of connection string.   using(var sconnection = new sqlconnection(configurationsettings.appsettings["connectionstring"]))   {      //to open connection.      sconnection.open();       //query select tables having names in uppercased format.      string selectuppercasedtables = @"select  name                                         sysobjects                                         upper(name) collate latin1_general_bin = name collate latin1_general_bin                                         , objectproperty(id,n'istable')=1                                        , objectproperty(id,n'ismsshipped')=0 ";       //create command object       using(var scommand = new sqlcommand(selectuppercasedtables, sconnection))       {          try          {            //create dataset.            dataset dsuppercasedtables = new dataset("information_schema.table_constraints ");             //create dataadapter object.            sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(selectuppercasedtables, sconnection);             //provides master mapping between sourcr table , system.data.datatable            da.tablemappings.add("table", "information_schema.table_constraints ");             //fill dataadapter.            da.fill(dsuppercasedtables);             //bind result combobox non primary key table names            dataviewmanager dsv = dsuppercasedtables.defaultviewmanager;            return dsuppercasedtables;          }          catch(exception ex)          {            //handles exception , log eventlog original message.            eventlog log = new eventlog("application");            log.source = "mfdbanalyser";            log.writeentry(ex.message);            return null;          }                   {            //checks whether connection still open.            if(sconnection.state != connectionstate.closed)            {              sconnection.close();            }          }        }      }    } 

and calling function in class this

public void gettableswithuppercasename() {   dataset dsuppercasedtables = default(dataset);   try   {     dsuppercasedtables = dataaccessmaster.getalluppercasedtables();      **dgresultview.datasource** = dsuppercasedtables.tables["information_schema.table_constraints"];   }   catch(exception ex)   {     //all exceptions handled , written in eventlog.     eventlog logexception = new eventlog("application");     logexception.source = "mfdbanalyser";     logexception.writeentry(ex.message);   } } 

i have debugged @ every required point, giving fine result till dgresultview.dataŠ«ource....

can me out!

anyway wrap sqlconnection, dataset , sqldataadapter within using block too.


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