legacy code - What's the equivalent in Delphi 3 of Supports for Interfaces? -

i support application written in delphi 3 , put in improvements source code while waiting opportunity upgrade newer version of delphi. 1 of things use interfaces. know delphi 3 has concept of interfaces having trouble finding out how equivalent of

if supports(objectinstance, imyinterface) 

write own implementation of "supports" function. in delphi 2009 can use

function mysupports(const instance: tobject; const iid: tguid): boolean; var   temp: iinterface;   lunknown: iunknown; begin   result:= (instance <> nil) ,            ((instance.getinterface(iunknown, lunknown)              , (lunknown.queryinterface(iid, temp) = 0)) or             instance.getinterface(iid, temp)); end; 


procedure tform4.button3click(sender: tobject); var   obj: tinterfacedobject;  begin   obj:= tinterfacedobject.create;   if mysupports(obj, iunknown)     showmessage('!!'); end; 

hope work in delphi 3


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