entity framework - Solve a circular reference in WCF from my POCOs -

i have couple of classes (for now) , i'm trying clear circular reference between 2 since killing wcf's serialization.

i using ef pocos in wcf rest service helps. have simplified problem down bare bones easy example here:

[servicecontract] [aspnetcompatibilityrequirements(requirementsmode = aspnetcompatibilityrequirementsmode.allowed)] public class groups {     [webget(uritemplate = "")]     public message getcollection()     {         var message = new message { body = "test message" };         var group = new group { title = "title of group" };         message.group = group;         group.messages = new list<message> { message };         return message;     } }  public class message {     public string body { get; set; }     public group group { get; set; } }  [datacontract(isreference = true)] public class group {     public string title { get; set; }     public icollection<message> messages { get; set; } } 

i have added [datacontract(isreference = true)] group class circular reference cleaned returned results end this:

<message xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/lmapi" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance">     <body>test message</body>     <group z:id="i1" xmlns:z="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/serialization/"/> </message> 

where properties of group , how can them?


there no properties associated group. that's why see id of 1.

the reason annotate group class [datacontract(isreference = true)], telling datacontract serializer it's no longer poco type. it's datacontract type.

so, serialize group properties, need go ahead , annotate title , message properties datamemberattribute.

an alternative use "preserveobjectreferences", can pass parameter datacontractserializer, datacontractserializeroperationbehavior, , other classes.

hope helps!


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