javascript - count the number of elements in an XSL for-each loop? -

i have been trying past day figure out how count number of elements in xsl for-each loop. have tried doing javascript can't seem work. i'm not sure if it's matter of not displaying output correctly or if can xslt. appreciated. nasty bug not prepared for.

<script type="text/javascript"> var colatotal=0;  function loopcountera(){   colatotal++; }  function printa(){    document.write(colatotal); } </script>  <xsl:for-each select='bookmarks/category'> <xsl:for-each select='./bookmark'>  <script type="text/javascript"> loopcountera();  printa(); </script>  </xsl:for-each> </xsl:for-each> 

from comments:

i figured showing code may waste of time. have div columna , div columnb, both of vertical columns. boss wants of bookmarks wrap, can't start wrap in middle of category block. intention keep track of 3 variables this: total bookmarks in columna far (a), total bookmarks in columnb far (b), , number of bookmarks in next category block placed (c). if b + c greater a, place block columna , i'll place columnb otherwise. make more sense now? thx much.

this stylesheet (your algorithm):

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">     <xsl:template match="bookmarks">         <html>             <xsl:apply-templates select="category[1]"/>         </html>     </xsl:template>     <xsl:template match="category">         <xsl:param name="pcolumna" select="/.."/>         <xsl:param name="pcolumnb" select="/.."/>         <xsl:variable name="vtest" select="count($pcolumnb/bookmark|bookmark)                                            > count($pcolumna/bookmark)"/>         <xsl:variable name="vcolumna" select="$pcolumna|self::*[$vtest]"/>         <xsl:variable name="vcolumnb" select="$pcolumnb|self::*[not($vtest)]"/>         <xsl:variable name="vnext" select="following-sibling::category[1]"/>         <xsl:apply-templates select="$vnext">             <xsl:with-param name="pcolumna" select="$vcolumna"/>             <xsl:with-param name="pcolumnb" select="$vcolumnb"/>         </xsl:apply-templates>         <xsl:if test="not($vnext)">             <div id="columna">                 <xsl:copy-of select="$vcolumna"/>             </div>             <div id="columnb">                 <xsl:copy-of select="$vcolumnb"/>             </div>         </xsl:if>     </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

with input:

<bookmarks>     <category id="a">         <bookmark id="1"/>         <bookmark id="2"/>         <bookmark id="3"/>     </category>     <category id="b">         <bookmark id="4"/>         <bookmark id="5"/>     </category>     <category id="c">         <bookmark id="6"/>         <bookmark id="7"/>         <bookmark id="8"/>         <bookmark id="9"/>         <bookmark id="10"/>     </category>     <category id="d">         <bookmark id="11"/>         <bookmark id="12"/>         <bookmark id="13"/>         <bookmark id="14"/>         <bookmark id="15"/>     </category> </bookmarks> 


<html>     <div id="columna">         <category id="a">             <bookmark id="1"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="2"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="3"></bookmark>         </category>         <category id="c">             <bookmark id="6"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="7"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="8"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="9"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="10"></bookmark>         </category>     </div>     <div id="columnb">         <category id="b">             <bookmark id="4"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="5"></bookmark>         </category>         <category id="d">             <bookmark id="11"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="12"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="13"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="14"></bookmark>             <bookmark id="15"></bookmark>         </category>     </div> </html> 


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