xml - How to customize a dynamic, programmatic layout - Android -

i dealing sample code using create app pulls in surveys server. layout rendering done in java rather in xml , having problem having labels , text editing boxes (for questions , answers, respectively) squishing eachother on same line rather sitting 1 on top of other on seperate lines default rendering in xml.

i want have labels above text edit boxes both can stretch across screen , seen better.

the code overall layout here:

    private boolean displayform() {      try     {         scrollview sv = new scrollview(this);         //need tablelayout here!         final linearlayout ll = new linearlayout(this);         sv.addview(ll);         ll.setorientation(android.widget.linearlayout.vertical);         ll.setbackgroundresource(r.color.background);           int i;         (i=0;i<theform.fields.size();i++) {             if (theform.fields.elementat(i).gettype().equals("text")) {                 theform.fields.elementat(i).obj = new editsurvey(this,(theform.fields.elementat(i).isrequired() ? "*" : "") + theform.fields.elementat(i).getlabel(),"");                 ll.addview((view) theform.fields.elementat(i).obj);             }             if (theform.fields.elementat(i).gettype().equals("numeric")) {                 theform.fields.elementat(i).obj = new editsurvey(this,(theform.fields.elementat(i).isrequired() ? "*" : "") + theform.fields.elementat(i).getlabel(),"");                 ((editsurvey)theform.fields.elementat(i).obj).makenumeric();                 ll.addview((view) theform.fields.elementat(i).obj);             }             if (theform.fields.elementat(i).gettype().equals("choice")) {                 theform.fields.elementat(i).obj = new surveyspinners(this,(theform.fields.elementat(i).isrequired() ? "*" : "") + theform.fields.elementat(i).getlabel(),theform.fields.elementat(i).getoptions());                 ll.addview((view) theform.fields.elementat(i).obj);             }         } 

the code pulling in labels , text editing boxes here:

public class editsurvey extends linearlayout { textview label; edittext txtbox;  public editsurvey(context context,string labeltext,string initialtext) {     super(context);     label = new textview(context);     label.settext(labeltext);     label.settextcolor(0xff000000);     //label.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(viewgroup.layoutparams.fill_parent,viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content));     txtbox = new edittext(context);     txtbox.settext(initialtext);     //txtbox.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(viewgroup.layoutparams.fill_parent,viewgroup.layoutparams.wrap_content));     this.addview(label);     this.addview(txtbox); } 

i've left out other code snippet pulls in labels spinners, pretty same.

this not code, clear (it's frank abelson's), trying wrangle purposes.

any fantastic.


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