event handling - Selection Handler of Google annotated timeline -

in annotated timeline there no annotation data points. need listen click events , need know date of point user clicking. how can achieve this. in google's java api there select handler

addselecthandler(new selecthandler()   {    @override    public void onselect(selectevent event) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     window.alert("date selected");     searchcriteria.setdate(staticutil.settimezero(datawarehouse.marketinfo.getvaluedate(getselections().get(0).getrow(), 0)));     searchevent.setsearchcriteria(searchcriteria);     eventbus.fireevent(searchevent);     }   }); 

but not working here. , js api doc seems selecthandler works on annotations markers. not sure. please share experience on regard.

there no such event, see complete list here: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/annotatedtimeline.html#events

the 'select' event clicks on annotations unfortunately not points in chart.

i assume google aware many people enhancement: http://groups.google.com/group/google-visualization-api/search?q=click+event+annotated

i love have :)


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