- template field (button) of the grid executing on page refresh -

i have button template field in hierarchical grid , on button updating data when user hit browser refresh button executes ..whats solution..

here code behind

        protected void gridview1_rowcommand(object sender, gridviewcommandeventargs e)           {               if (!page.ispostback)               {                   if (e.commandname == "updatebilldata")                   {                        gridviewrow row = ((control)e.commandsource).namingcontainer gridviewrow;                       int index = row.rowindex;                        int billgenid = convert.toint32(gridview1.datakeys[index].value);                        dropdownlist ddmonths = (dropdownlist)row.findcontrol("ddbillingmonths");                       textbox cunit = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtcurrbillunits");                       textbox amountbdue = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtamountbduedate");                       textbox advitax = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtadvincometax");                       textbox whtax = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtwholdingtax");                       textbox gst = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtgst");                       textbox amountafterdd = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtamtafterdd");                       textbox duedate = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txt_billduedate");                       textbox billingdate = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txt_billgendate");                       textbox remarks = (textbox)row.findcontrol("txtothers");                        //update bill data procedure                       database db = databasefactory.createdatabase();                        dbcommand cmd = db.getstoredproccommand("sp_update_genbill");                        db.addinparameter(cmd, "@gridrowid",;                       db.setparametervalue(cmd, "@gridrowid", billgenid);                        db.addinparameter(cmd, "@bmonth",, 3);                       db.setparametervalue(cmd, "@bmonth", ddmonths.selectedvalue);                        //execute stored procedure                       int = 0;                       = db.executenonquery(cmd);                        if (i != 0)                       {                           showalert("succesfuly updated...");                       }                       else                           showalert("error occured while updating...");                   }               }          } 

my guess last postback before each refresh control command associated it. when hit refresh in browser, reposts command. try going browser's address field , hitting enter. same results?


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