How would this code in java be changed to make it a circular queue using linked list? -

using rear external pointer

public void enqueue(object element) // adds element rear of queue. {    llobjectnode newnode = new llobjectnode(element);    if (rear == null)       front = newnode;    else       rear.setlink(newnode);    rear = newnode; }  public object dequeue() // throws queueunderflowexception if queue empty; // otherwise, removes front element queue , returns it. {    if (isempty())       throw new queueunderflowexception("dequeue attempted on empty queue.");    else    {       object element;       element = front.getinfo();       front = front.getlink();       if (front == null)          rear = null;        return element;    } }  public boolean isempty() // returns true if queue empty; otherwise, returns false. {    if (front == null)       return true;    else       return false; } 

public void enqueue(object element) ...       rear.setlink(newnode);    rear = newnode;    rear.setlink(front); // make circular } ... public object dequeue() ...   object element;   element = front.getinfo();   if (front.getlink() == front) {     // break circle last element     front = null;     rear = null;   } else {     front = front.getlink();     rear.setlink(front); // make circular   } ... 


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