Android XML rounded clipped corners -

i've setup linearlayout following drawable background:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="">     <corners android:radius="10dp" />     <solid android:color="#ccffffff"/> </shape> 

the problem i'm having within linearlayout have linearlayout element sits @ bottom of it's parent. since doesn't have rounded corners corners extend past parents bottom left , right corners.

the drawable background on child linearlayout looks this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <bitmap     xmlns:android=""      android:src="@drawable/pedometer_stats_background"      android:tilemode="repeat"    /> 

the issue looks this: on device non-clipping more apparent.

what best method accomplish clipping?

what describing sounds this:

<linearlayout android:shape="rounded">    <linearlayout android:background="@drawable/pedometer_stats_background">    </linearlayout> </linearlayout> 

and inner layout pushing outside rounded corners because isn't rounded. you'll have round corners of bitmap. if have repeating bitmap you'll want @ defining nine-patch drawable. round corners define portion of graphic can expand.

it'd nice if add bitmap shape drawable , have applied skin on whatever shape we're drawing. and, bet if know doing create shape subclass draws bitmap, that's not included in android out of box unfortunately.


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