mysql - Read and Write to php file -

i looking method write values of variable php file.

ok let me explain example:

i have normal php website , want add wordpress blog it.

i use same theme of wordpress other site too, removing wordpress tags , replacing them other application’s tags. here div ids , class names remain same. share same css & js files wordpress.

i want control width of sidebars , other parameters wordpress theme control panel. process think should be…

get value 'sidebar_a' , inputs '150px' value 'main_body' , inputs '550px' value 'sidebar_b' , inputs '200px' value ‘site_name’ , input comes wordpress tag value ‘footer ‘and again value comes wordpress footer.

now need small script write these values in php file like:

$sidebar_a = '100'  $main_body = '550'  $sidebar_b = '200'  $sitename = ‘xyz corporation’  $footer = ‘copyright xyz corporation' 

or better create database tables in mysql , write it.

i want call file in application 2 using

please feel free suggest, if there better way.

important: every time these parameters changed in wordpress, these values must updated new values.

kindly help.

write data

$data = array(     'sidebar_a' => $sidebar_a,     'main_body' => $main_body,     'sidebar_b' => $sidebar_b,     'sitename' => $sitename,     'footer' => $footer ); $data = serialize($data); file_put_contents('file.txt', $data); 

read data

$data = file_get_contents('file.txt'); $data = unserialize($data); extract($data); 

see serialize , extract


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