Delphi function to convert Result of WrapText to TStringList -

i use function insert carriage returns on string nicely formatted emailing:

  m := wraptext(m, #13#10, ['.',' ',#9,'-'], 60); 

the problem email client has 1023 character limit when processing strings. if original length of m greater 1023, gets truncated (note: email client has events handle situation, think easier approach feed strings less limit).

i looking "wraptexttostringlist" function this:

var   mstringlist: tstringlist; begin   mstringlist := wraptexttostringlist(m, #13#10, ['.',' ',#9,'-'], 60); 

so passed 220 character body of email message. results string list approximately 4 entries.

i think boils down creating function parses string @ #13#10 string list.

anyone got one?

tstringlist has built-in method parse string @ #13#10 string list.

mystringlist := tstringlist.create; mystringlist.text := mystring; 

this populate list parsing string , creating new entry in list whenever finds return.


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