java - why is org.hibernate.cache.Cache deprecated? -

not org.hibernate.cache.cache.cacheprovider deprecated.

if these how supposed create our own custom caching solutions ? alternate method ?

the javadoc explains it:

the legacy (and deprecated) approach caching defined cacheprovider , cache interfaces cacheconcurrencystrategy interface along various implementations of these interfaces. in scheme, cacheprovider defined how configure , perform lifecycle operations in regards particular underlying caching library; defined how build cache instances in turn defined how access "regions" of underlying cache instance. entity , collection data cache regions, cacheconcurrencystrategy wrapped access cache regions apply transactional/concurrent access semantics.

the improved approach based on regionfactory, various region specializations , 2 access strategies contracts (entityregionaccessstrategy , collectionregionaccessstrategy).

to sum up, there new improved api should use.


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