c++ - how to create a trampoline function using DetourAttachEx? (with MS detours) -

i have dll , wish create detour 1 of exported functions,

  • the dll not part of windows.
  • i need able call real function after detour (call real function detoured one)
  • i know exact signature of function.
  • i have been able detour function, right can't call real one.

i realize need use trampoline function, i've seen examples online. problem is: examples show how detour windows api function, need same function thorough dll import.

any welcomed

--edit clarify, have attempted call original function pointer, not work. tried using method stack overflow article

that doesn't crash looks goes infinite loop (i assume because in original function there jump detoured one)

edit -- solved! not sure solved it, used this reference.

  • stopped using getprocadder , instead started using detourfindfunction instead
  • cleaned code (pretty sure cleaned out whatever caused issue)

works, anyway

i don't use detours(i detest it!), detouring non hot-patchable function can done in generic manner, so:

sstep 1: insert jmp <your code> @ start of function, takes 5 bytes, little more align nearest instruction. example

the start of function hook:

sub esp,3c push edi push esi //more code 

would become:

jmp myfunction //more code 

one writing 0xe9 @ first byte writing value (function_addr - patch_addr + sizeof(int_ptr)) in following dword. writing should done using writeprocessmemory after setting read/write/execute permissions virtualprotectex

step 2: next, create assembly interface:

void __declspec(naked) myfunc() {      __asm     {         call check             ;call out filter func         test eax,eax           ; test if let call through         je _exit         sub esp,3c             ; gone through, replicate overwrote         push edi         push esi         jmp nextexecutionaddress ; jump location after our jump     _exit:         retn                   ; note, must have correct stack cleanup     }  } 

nextexecutionaddress need filled @ run time using modulebase + rva.

to honest, way easier, , better(!) eat (export address table) hook export table of dll, or iat (import address table) hook import tables of whats calling funcs want filter. detours should have functions these type of hooks, if not, there other freely available libs it.

the other way use detour hook every call in apps using dll reroute them proxy function in own code, has advantage of allowing 1 filter calls, , not across binary(it possible same using _returnaddress, thats more work), disadvantage though capturing locations patch(i use ollydbg + custom patching engine) , won't work on non-regular calling convention functions(like made #pragma aux in watcom or optimized calls generated vc7+).

one important thing note: if hooking multithreaded app, patches need done app suspended, or done attomically use interlockedexchange, interlockexchange64 , interlockedexchangepointer(i use latter iat/eat hooks, when hooking 'third party process')

looking @ post link to, method there horrible in opinion, due assmebly :p but, how calling pointer obtain, , how obtained?


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