winforms - ArgumentOutOfRange Exception in c# -

i'm trying access column name of selected row in datagridview control in windows form, i'm getting argumenoutofrange exception of following code:[datagridview1.currentcell.columnindex].tostring()); 


argumentoutofrangeexception unhandled  index out of range. must non-negative , less size of collection. parameter name: index 

could please tell me how can overcome error?

the datagridview.selectedcolumns collection separate collection datagridview.columns , can have different set (a subset) of columns.

for example if have 5 column view, , third , fourth selected,

datagridview.selectedcolumns.count == 2 datagridview.columns.count == 5 

and of using fourth column (index of 3) code becomes


which blows (rightly) indexoutofbounds.

to sum up, in case, should using columns property, , not selectedcolumns.


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