swing - Java JTable TableCellRenderer With ImageIcon Column -

i have table custom table model has 2 columns. column 0 imageicon class, , column 1 string class.

public class<?> getcolumnclass(int col) {     if (col == 0) {         return imageicon.class;     } else {         return string.class;     } } 

when define new tablecellrenderer class added columns can style cells, overwrites imageicon class , sets string.

public class customtablecellrenderer extends defaulttablecellrenderer {     public component gettablecellrenderercomponent (jtable table, object obj, boolean isselected,     boolean hasfocus, int row, int      column)     {     component cell = super.gettablecellrenderercomponent(table,        obj, isselected, hasfocus, row, column);     if(isselected)      cell.setbackground(color.blue);     return cell;     } } 

any ideas on how fix this?

my mistake, sort of hidden:

when define new tablecellrenderer class added columns can style cells, overwrites imageicon class , sets string.

so problem that, when define tablecellrenderer class style table, imageicon columns in table turn strings "file:..." instead of actual icon.

there no need create custom renderer. jtable allready supports default renderer columns containing icon. need override getcolumnclass() method, appear doing.


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