How to open the application on an iPad from a webpage? -

we need start application on ipad when user clicks on button in web page. please let know code snippets link added in web page open application on ipad. planning create web page using technology.

this might you're looking for:

updates: link above dead. , cdm9002 suggested, love of dogs, here information (credits goes ios developer tips)

first of all, need use method uiapplication:openurl: launch application webpage. example, can launch apple mail in way:

[[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@"mailto://"]]; 

to launch own application, there 2 things do: register custom url schemes , handle url launch in application.

to register custom url schemes, edit info.plist. below custom scheme 'myapp' registered.

cfbundleurltypes      cfbundleurlschemes        myapp      cfbundleurlname     com.yourcompany.myapp 

now, can launch app following urls.

myapp://  myapp://some/path/here  myapp://?foo=1&bar=2  myapp://some/path/here?foo=1&bar=2 

and in iphone sdk (i think applies ipad well), when launching application in response of urls above, send message uiapplicationdelegate.

in order retrieve information passed in url, /some/path/here, provide implementation message in delegate.

- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application handleopenurl:(nsurl *)url  {   // url here } 


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