vba - IsDate function returns unexpected results -

how come isdate("13.50") returns true isdate("12.25.2010") returns false?

i got tripped little "feature" , wanted raise awareness of of issues surrounding isdate function in vb , vba.

the simple case

as you'd expect, isdate returns true when passed date data type , false other data types except strings. strings, isdate returns true or false based on contents of string:

isdate(cdate("1/1/1980"))  --> true isdate(#12/31/2000#)       --> true isdate(12/24)              --> false  '12/24 evaluates double: 0.5' isdate("foo")              --> false isdate("12/24")            --> true 


isdate should more precisely named isdatetime because returns true strings formatted times:

isdate("10:55 am")   --> true isdate("23:30")      --> true  'cdate("23:30")   --> 11:30:00 pm' isdate("1:30:59")    --> true  'cdate("1:30:59") --> 1:30:59 am' isdate("13:55 am")   --> true  'cdate("13:55 am")--> 1:55:00 pm' isdate("13:55 pm")   --> true  'cdate("13:55 pm")--> 1:55:00 pm' 

note last 2 examples above isdate not perfect validator of times.

the gotcha!

not isdate accept times, accepts times in many formats. 1 of uses period (.) separator. leads confusion, because period can used time separator not date separator:

isdate("13.50")     --> true  'cdate("13.50")    --> 1:50:00 pm' isdate("12.25")     --> true  'cdate("12.25")    --> 12:25:00 pm' isdate("12.25.10")  --> true  'cdate("12.25.10") --> 12:25:10 pm' isdate("12.25.2010")--> false '2010 > 59 (number of seconds in minute - 1)' isdate("24.12")     --> false '24 > 23 (number of hours in day - 1)' isdate("0.12")      --> true  'cdate("0.12")     --> 12:12:00 

this can problem if parsing string , operating on based on apparent type. example:

function bar(var variant)     if isdate(var)         bar = "this date"     elseif isnumeric(var)         bar = "this numeric"     else         bar = "this else"     end if end function  ?bar("12.75")   --> numeric ?bar("12.50")   --> date 

the workarounds

if testing variant underlying data type, should use typename(var) = "date" rather isdate(var):

typename(#12/25/2010#)  --> date typename("12/25/2010")  --> string  function bar(var variant)     select case typename(var)     case "date"         bar = "this date type"     case "long", "double", "single", "integer", "currency", "decimal", "byte"         bar = "this numeric type"     case "string"         bar = "this string type"     case "boolean"         bar = "this boolean type"     case else         bar = "this other type"     end select end function  ?bar("12.25")   --> string type ?bar(#12/25#)   --> date type ?bar(12.25)     --> numeric type 

if, however, dealing strings may dates or numbers (eg, parsing text file), should check if it's number before checking see if it's date:

function bar(var variant)     if isnumeric(var)         bar = "this numeric"     elseif isdate(var)         bar = "this date"     else         bar = "this else"     end if end function  ?bar("12.75")   --> numeric ?bar("12.50")   --> numeric ?bar("12:50")   --> date 

even if care whether date, should make sure it's not number:

function bar(var variant)     if isdate(var) , not isnumeric(var)         bar = "this date"     else         bar = "this else"     end if end function  ?bar("12:50")   --> date ?bar("12.50")   --> else 

peculiarities of cdate

as @deanna pointed out in comments below, behavior of cdate() unreliable well. results vary based on whether passed string or number:

?cdate(0.5)     -->  12:00:00 pm ?cdate("0.5")   -->  12:05:00 

trailing and leading zeroes significant if number passed string:

?cdate(".5")    -->  12:00:00 pm  ?cdate("0.5")   -->  12:05:00  ?cdate("0.50")  -->  12:50:00  ?cdate("0.500") -->  12:00:00 pm  

the behavior changes decimal part of string approaches 60-minute mark:

?cdate("0.59")  -->  12:59:00  ?cdate("0.60")  -->   2:24:00 pm  

the bottom line if need convert strings date/time need aware of format expect them in , re-format them appropriately before relying on cdate() convert them.


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