Perl Archive::Tar -

i want archive txt files file::find, delete source files , remove empty directories.

i'm having difficulties renaming files '$tar->rename( );' because i'd to strip them full path names , use parent directory/*.txt, whatever try code renames 1 file.
don't know appropriate place execute 'unlink' function.


use strict; use warnings; use archive::tar; use file::find; use file::basename;    $dir = "e:/";  @files = ();  find(\&archive, $dir);       sub archive {     /\.txt$/ or return;     $fd = $file::find::dir;     $fn = $file::find::name;      $folder = basename($fd);     $file = $_;      push @files, $fn;      $tar = archive::tar->new();       $tar->add_files(@files);     $tar->rename( $fn, $folder."\\".$file );     $tar->write($fd.'.tar');      unlink $fn;      finddepth(sub{rmdir},'.'); } 

you using file::find interface incorrectly. archive sub gets called once on every file found. end creating new tar on every call, adding single file , writing out.

correction: end trying add found files, you've unlinked except last one.

let's in small steps - first find , classify .txt files according directory, add them relevant tar files, , clean up:

my $dir = "e:/";  %txt_files = ();  find(\&classify, $dir);       sub classify{     /\.txt$/ or return;     $fd = $file::find::dir;     $fn = $file::find::name;      push @{$txt_files{$fd}||=[]}, $fn; }  foreach $folder (keys %txt_dirs) {     @files = @{$txt_files{$folder}};     $foldername = basename($folder);      $tar = archive::tar->new();       $tar->add_files(@files);     $tar->rename( $_, $foldername."/".basename($_))         @files;      $tar->write($folder.'.tar'); }  # remove txt files we've found unlink map {@{$_}} values %txt_files;  # try remove directories contained txt files eval {rmdir} keys %txt_files; 


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