java - calendar api to display date alone -

    import java.util.calendar;      public class employee {         private calendar doj;          public employee(calendar date) {             // todo auto-generated constructor stub             this.doj=date;         }         public calendar getdoj()          {          return doj;          }       }    import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.calendar; import java.util.list;   public class testemployeesort {      /**      * @param args      */     public static void main(string[] args) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         list<employee> coll = getemployees();         printlist(coll);     }         public static list<employee> getemployees()          {              list<employee> col = new arraylist<employee>();              col.add(new employee(calendar.getinstance()));             return col;         }          private static void printlist(list<employee> list) {              system.out.println("date_of_joining");               (int = 0; < list.size(); i++) {                  employee e = list.get(i);                  system.out.println(e.getdoj());              }          }      } 

the above codes produce following output date_of_joining java.util.gregoriancalendar[time=1291275522078,arefieldsset=true,areallfieldsset=true,lenient=true,zone=sun.util.calendar.zoneinfo[id="asia/calcutta",offset=19800000,dstsavings=0,usedaylight=false,transitions=6,lastrule=null],firstdayofweek=1,minimaldaysinfirstweek=1,era=1,year=2010,month=11,week_of_year=49,week_of_month=1,day_of_month=2,day_of_year=336,day_of_week=5,day_of_week_in_month=1,am_pm=1,hour=1,hour_of_day=13,minute=8,second=42,millisecond=78,zone_offset=19800000,dst_offset=0]

i need print date alone. how should change code?

well i'd use joda time (and localdate class, if want maintain date) rather java.util.calendar, if do want use calendar, need simpledateformat.

java.util.calendar sample:

import java.util.*; import java.text.*;  public class test {     public static void main(string[] args)     {         calendar calendar = calendar.getinstance();         simpledateformat format = new simpledateformat("dd/mm/yyyy");         system.out.println(format.format(calendar.gettime()));     } } 

joda time sample:

import org.joda.time.*; import org.joda.time.format.*;  public class test {     public static void main(string[] args)     {         localdate today = new localdate();         // alternatively, use datetimeformat.mediumdate etc         datetimeformatter formatter = datetimeformat.forpattern("dd/mm/yyyy");         system.out.println(formatter.print(today));     } } 


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