spring - Is it possible to read static text dynamically from property files in velocity template? -

greetings have java ee application (spring framework) uses vm templates contains static texts like:

<span> hello world </span> 

to like:

<span> <fmt:message key="hi.message" /> </span> 

and wondering if it's possible read texts property file(en/fr) depending on user locale in jsp, use 1 template locales , text dynamic

note: velocity not view technology used in app, using it's templates in sending emails only.

spring mvc comes (very) useful velocimacros (see spring mvc documentation). 1 of them #springmessagetext.

in hello.vm file:

<span>#springmessagetext("hi.message", "hello default!")</span> 

this macro read message message sources, depending on current locale (using built-in resourcebundlemessagesource spring).





if no bundle available current locale, default message "hello default!" used.

by default, spring reading messages*.properties files. can specify more message sources in servlet.xml configuration (here, messages*.properties , othermessages*.properties):

<bean id="messagesource"     class="org.springframework.context.support.resourcebundlemessagesource">     <property name="basenames">       <list>         <value>messages</value>         <value>othermessages</value>       </list>     </property> </bean> 

how springmvc knows current locale?

well, it's built-in springmvc. resourcebundlemessagesource reads keys according locale. think localeresolver configured default (using locale sent along client request), can register own localeresolver.

i encourage check available springmvc velocimacros , velocity tools (very useful!).


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