Generating Multiple TLDs With Maven Javadoc Plugin & TLDGen -

i've got taglib project use tldgen library build tld files annotations in classes. i've got plugged maven javadoc plugin have build tld files via javadoc:javadoc maven goal. pom portion handles follows:

<build>     ...     <plugins>         <plugin>             <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>             <artifactid>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.7</version>             <configuration>                 <doclet>org.tldgen.tlddoclet</doclet>                 <docletartifact>                     <groupid></groupid>                     <artifactid>tldgen-all</artifactid>                     <version>1.0.0</version>                 </docletartifact>                 <show>private</show>                 <additionalparam>-name test                     -uri ""                     -tldfile ..\..\..\src\main\resources\meta-inf\w.tld                 </additionalparam>                 <usestandarddocletoptions>true</usestandarddocletoptions>                 <author>false</author>                 <encoding>utf-8</encoding>             </configuration>         </plugin>     </plugins> </build> 

and works fantastically. trouble know want create 2 tld's project. can pass -subpackages attribute in th addtionalparam element can produce tld want.

but can have 1 configuration element @ point. i've tried moving configuration reporting section in pom 2 reportsets see if helps no luck.

has ever attempted before , can point me in right direction getting right? cheers!

it's been while since question posted, here's how did multiple tld generation tldgen. started question, since guys on @ project used answer reference :).

<plugin>     <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>     <artifactid>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactid>     <version>2.7</version>     <configuration>         <includes>             <include>**</include>         </includes>         <doclet>org.tldgen.tlddoclet</doclet>         <docletartifacts>             <!-- listing dependencies tldgen:              tldgen library, commons-logging, commons-io,              commons-lang, geronimo-jsp_2.1_spec, log4j, saxon, stax             not sure if have listed here, have check; if             don't set them class not found errors, i'm guessing              have misconfiguration -->         </docletartifacts>         <show>private</show>         <additionalparam>             -htmlfolder ${basedir}/target/docs             -tldfolder ${basedir}/src/main/java/meta-inf             -license none         </additionalparam>         <usestandarddocletoptions>true</usestandarddocletoptions>         <author>false</author>         <encoding>utf-8</encoding>     </configuration>     <dependencies>         <dependency>             <groupid>javax.xml.bind</groupid>             <artifactid>jsr173_api</artifactid>             <version>1.0</version>         </dependency>     </dependencies>     <executions>         <execution>             <phase>generate-resources</phase>                                         <goals>                 <goal>javadoc</goal>             </goals>         </execution>     </executions> </plugin> 


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